Name Perks Rarity Tier Gear Score
Zerstörer-Langschwert der Marodeure Can be bought in shop Rare IV 400
Chronisten-Langschwert des Syndikats Can be bought in shop Rare IV 400
Excubitoren-Langschwert des Bündnisses Can be bought in shop Rare IV 400
Zerstörer-Streitaxt der Marodeure Can be bought in shop Rare IV 400
Chronisten-Streitaxt des Syndikats Can be bought in shop Rare IV 400
Bündnis-Excubitor-Streitaxt Can be bought in shop Rare IV 400
Zerstörer-Muskete der Marodeure Can be bought in shop Rare IV 400
Chronisten-Muskete des Syndikats Can be bought in shop Rare IV 400
Excubitoren-Muskete des Bündnisses Can be bought in shop Rare IV 400
Zerstörer-Bogen der Marodeure Can be bought in shop Rare IV 400
Chronisten-Bogen des Syndikats Can be bought in shop Rare IV 400
Excubitoren-Bogen des Bündnisses Can be bought in shop Rare IV 400
Zerstörer-Beil der Marodeure Can be bought in shop Rare IV 400
Chronisten-Beil des Syndikats Can be bought in shop Rare IV 400
Excubitoren-Beil des Bündnisses Can be bought in shop Rare IV 400
Zerstörer-Feuerstab der Marodeure Can be bought in shop Rare IV 400
Chronisten-Feuerstab des Syndikats Can be bought in shop Rare IV 400
Excubitoren-Feuerstab des Bündnisses Can be bought in shop Rare IV 400
Zerstörer-Lebensstab der Marodeure Can be bought in shop Rare IV 400
Chronisten-Lebensstab des Syndikats Can be bought in shop Rare IV 400
Excubitoren-Lebensstab des Bündnisses Can be bought in shop Rare IV 400
Zerstörer-Kriegshammer der Marodeure Can be bought in shop Rare IV 400
Chronisten-Kriegshammer des Syndikats Can be bought in shop Rare IV 400
Excubitoren-Kriegshammer des Bündnisses Can be bought in shop Rare IV 400
Zerstörer-Rapier der Marodeure Can be bought in shop Rare IV 400
Chronisten-Rapier des Syndikats Can be bought in shop Rare IV 400
Excubitoren-Rapier des Bündnisses Can be bought in shop Rare IV 400
Zerstörer-Speer der Marodeure Can be bought in shop Rare IV 400
Chronisten-Speer des Syndikats Can be bought in shop Rare IV 400
Excubitoren-Speer des Bündnisses Can be bought in shop Rare IV 400
Zerstörer-Eisstulpe der Marodeure Can be bought in shop Rare IV 400
Chronisten-Eisstulpe des Syndikats Can be bought in shop Rare IV 400
Excubitoren-Eisstulpe des Bündnisses Can be bought in shop Rare IV 400
Zerstörer-Unheilsstulpe der Marodeure Can be bought in shop Rare IV 400
Chronisten-Unheilsstulpe des Syndikats Can be bought in shop Rare IV 400
Excubitoren-Unheilsstulpe des Bündnisses Can be bought in shop Rare IV 400
Zerstörer-Donnerbüchse der Marodeure Can be bought in shop Rare IV 400
Chronisten-Donnerbüchse des Syndikats Can be bought in shop Rare IV 400
Excubitoren-Donnerbüchse des Bündnisses Can be bought in shop Rare IV 400
Zerstörer-Großschwert der Marodeure Can be bought in shop Rare IV 400
Chronisten-Großschwert des Syndikats Can be bought in shop Rare IV 400
Excubitoren-Großschwert des Bündnisses Can be bought in shop Rare IV 400
Zerstörer-Flegel der Marodeure Can be bought in shop Rare IV 400
Chronisten-Flegel des Syndikats Can be bought in shop Rare IV 400
Excubitoren-Flegel des Bündnisses Can be bought in shop Rare IV 400
Abenteurerkriegshammer des Soldaten Uncommon III 400
Rekruten-Langschwert des Soldaten
Uncommon IV 400-500
Rekruten-Beil des Soldaten
Uncommon IV 400-500
Kriegshämmer der Einberufenen des Soldaten
Uncommon IV 400-500
Rekruten-Streitaxt des Soldaten
Uncommon IV 400-500