
Selected Gear Score
100 225 350 475 600 725

Leichte und schwere Angriffe verursachen +5.3 % Schaden.

Scales with Gear Score Condition: Unsheathed Compatible With: Flail, Sword, Rapier, Fire Staff, Life Staff, Spear, Round Shield, Bow, War Hammer, Greatsword, Musket, Hatchet, Great Axe, Ice Gauntlet, Void Gauntlet, Dagger, Blunderbuss Exclusive Labels: DmgCon
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felipe campos

can you have two pieces with this perk?

flail 5%+ shield 5% = both 10% ?


"Light and Heavy attacks deal +9.8% damage" - Does this apply to abilities as well or just light and heavy normal attacks, as it is stated in the tooltip?

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