Name Perks Rarity Tier Gear Score
Hopliten-Hemd Can be crafted Legendary V 725-725
Hopliten-Kürass Can be crafted Legendary V 725-725
Hopliten-Brustplatte Can be crafted Legendary V 725-725
Uncommon V 725-725
Uncommon V 725-725
Uncommon V 725-725
Gorgonen-Hemd Can be crafted
Uncommon V 725-725
Gorgonen-Kürass Can be crafted
Uncommon V 725-725
Gorgonen-Brusplatte Can be crafted
Uncommon V 725-725
Gorgonit-Hemd Can be crafted
Uncommon V 725-725
Gorgonit-Kürass Can be crafted
Uncommon V 725-725
Gorgonit-Brustplatte Can be crafted
Uncommon V 725-725
Common V 725
Common V 725
Common V 725
Unheil-Dunkelpanzer Artifact V 700-700
Flinker Mantel Artifact V 700-700
Fliegengewicht Artifact V 700-700
Überlebenden-Mantel Can be crafted Artifact V 700-700
Zorn der Natur Artifact V 700-700
Dünentagma Legendary V 700-710
Sandlöwenpanzer Legendary V 700-710
Seidenkokon Legendary V 700-710
Regentenbrustschutz (Eiche) Can be crafted Legendary V 700
Stechpalme-Regentenrobe Can be crafted Legendary V 700
Florale Regententunika Can be crafted Legendary V 700
Sonnensiegel Legendary V 700
Bündnis-Küchenschürze Can be bought in shop Epic V 700
Bergarbeiterhemd Can be crafted Epic V 700
Erntearbeiterhemd Can be crafted Epic V 700
Kürschnerhemd Can be crafted Epic V 700
Holzfällerhemd Can be crafted Epic V 700
Anglerkittel Can be crafted Epic V 700
Schwerer Nachtschleierqual-Brustpanzer der Schildwache Can be crafted Epic V 700
Mittlerer Nachtschleierqual-Brustpanzer der Schildwache Can be crafted Epic V 700
Leichter Nachtschleierqual-Brustpanzer der Schildwache Can be crafted Epic V 700
Masken-Makrelen-Brustplatte der Schildwache Can be crafted Epic V 700
Störmantel der Schildwache Can be crafted Epic V 700
Bunte Krakenschärpe der Schildwache Can be crafted Epic V 700
Blühende Brustplatte von Earrach der Schildwache Can be crafted
Rare V 700
Blühender Mantel von Earrach der Schildwache Can be crafted
Rare V 700
Blühendes Hemd von Earrach der Schildwache Can be crafted
Rare V 700
Uncommon V 700-710
Uncommon V 700-710
Uncommon V 700-710
Uncommon V 700
Uncommon V 700
Uncommon V 700
Uncommon V 690
Schwere Brustplatte
Uncommon V 690