Name Perks Rarity Tier
Arkane Stickerei (Seide) Entity might not be available in game!
Uncommon —
Arkane Stickerei (behandelte Seide) Entity might not be available in game!
Uncommon —
Wachposteninsignien (Eisen) Can be crafted Uncommon —
Wachposteninsignien (Stahl) Entity might not be available in game!
Uncommon —
Wachposteninsignien (Sternenmetall) Entity might not be available in game!
Uncommon —
Wachposteninsignien (Orichalcum) Entity might not be available in game!
Uncommon —
Gebetsperlen (Weichholz) Can be crafted Uncommon —
Gebetsperlen (Hartholz) Entity might not be available in game!
Uncommon —
Gebetsperlen (Wyrdholz) Entity might not be available in game!
Uncommon —
Gebetsperlen (Tropenholz) Entity might not be available in game!
Uncommon —
Wolfsblut Uncommon —
Wolfstatze Entity might not be available in game!
Uncommon —
Wolfskralle Entity might not be available in game!
Uncommon —
Wolfszahn Entity might not be available in game!
Uncommon —
Verlorenen-Medaillon (Holz) Uncommon —
Verlorenen-Medaillon (Silber) Entity might not be available in game!
Uncommon —
Verlorenen-Medaillon (Gold) Entity might not be available in game!
Uncommon —
Verlorenen-Medaillon (Platin) Entity might not be available in game!
Uncommon —
Bärenblut Uncommon —
Bärentatze Entity might not be available in game!
Uncommon —
Bärenkralle Entity might not be available in game!
Uncommon —
Bärenzahn Entity might not be available in game!
Uncommon —
Wildschweinblut Entity might not be available in game!
Uncommon —
Wildschweinauge Entity might not be available in game!
Uncommon —
Wildschweinhuf Entity might not be available in game!
Uncommon —
Wildschweinhauer Entity might not be available in game!
Uncommon —
GeiĂźel (Rauleder) Entity might not be available in game!
Uncommon —
GeiĂźel (grobes Leder) Entity might not be available in game!
Uncommon —
GeiĂźel (Schichtleder) Entity might not be available in game!
Uncommon —
GeiĂźel (behandeltes Leder) Entity might not be available in game!
Uncommon —
Fischinnereien Uncommon —
Kiefer mit Reißzähnen Entity might not be available in game!
Uncommon —
Fischzahn Entity might not be available in game!
Uncommon —
Giftbeutel Entity might not be available in game!
Uncommon —
Haken (Eisen) Entity might not be available in game!
Uncommon —
Haken (Stahl) Entity might not be available in game!
Uncommon —
Haken (Sternenmetall) Entity might not be available in game!
Uncommon —
Haken (Orichalcum) Entity might not be available in game!
Uncommon —
Verderbtes Gehäuse (Eisen) Uncommon —
Verderbtes Gehäuse (Stahl) Entity might not be available in game!
Uncommon —
Verderbtes Gehäuse (Sternenmetall) Entity might not be available in game!
Uncommon —
Verderbtes Gehäuse (Orichalcum) Entity might not be available in game!
Uncommon —
Knochentotem der Ahnen Entity might not be available in game!
Uncommon —
Perlenbesetztes Totem der Ahnen Entity might not be available in game!
Uncommon —
Beschriftetes Totem der Ahnen Entity might not be available in game!
Uncommon —
Verkrustetes Totem der Ahnen Entity might not be available in game!
Uncommon —
Dryadenborke Entity might not be available in game!
Uncommon —
Geätzte Dryadenborke Entity might not be available in game!
Uncommon —
Geschnitzte Dryadenborke Entity might not be available in game!
Uncommon —
Runendryadenborke Entity might not be available in game!
Uncommon —