Name Perks Rarity Tier Gear Score
Störschienbeinschützer der Schildwache Can be crafted
Uncommon V 500-600
Bunte Krakenkappe der Schildwache Can be crafted
Uncommon V 500-600
Bunte Krakenschärpe der Schildwache Can be crafted
Uncommon V 500-600
Bunte Krakenhandgelenkschoner der Schildwache Can be crafted
Uncommon V 500-600
Bunte Krakenüberhose der Schildwache Can be crafted
Uncommon V 500-600
Bunte Krakenstiefel der Schildwache Can be crafted
Uncommon V 500-600
Streitsüchtiger Plattenhelm (War) Can be crafted
Uncommon V 500-600
Streitsüchtige Brustplatte (War) Can be crafted
Uncommon V 500-600
Streitsüchtige Plattenstulpen (War) Can be crafted
Uncommon V 500-600
Streitsüchtiger Plattenbeinschutz (War) Can be crafted
Uncommon V 500-600
Streitsüchtige Plattenstiefel (War) Can be crafted
Uncommon V 500-600
Streitsüchtiger Lederhut (War) Can be crafted
Uncommon V 500-600
Streitsüchtiger Ledermantel (War) Can be crafted
Uncommon V 500-600
Streitsüchtige Lederhandschuhe (War) Can be crafted
Uncommon V 500-600
Streitsüchtige Lederhose (War) Can be crafted
Uncommon V 500-600
Streitsüchtige Lederstiefel (War) Can be crafted
Uncommon V 500-600
Streitsüchtiger Stoffhut (War) Can be crafted
Uncommon V 500-600
Streitsüchtiger Stoffmantel (War) Can be crafted
Uncommon V 500-600
Streitsüchtige Stoffhandschuhe (War) Can be crafted
Uncommon V 500-600
Streitsüchtige Stoffhose (War) Can be crafted
Uncommon V 500-600
Streitsüchtige Stoffstiefel (War) Can be crafted
Uncommon V 500-600
Eilender Plattenhelm (Outpost Rush) Can be crafted
Uncommon V 500-600
Eilende Brustplatte (Outpost Rush) Can be crafted
Uncommon V 500-600
Eilende Plattenstulpen (Outpost Rush) Can be crafted
Uncommon V 500-600
Eilender Plattenbeinschutz (Outpost Rush) Can be crafted
Uncommon V 500-600
Eilende Plattenstiefel (Outpost Rush) Can be crafted
Uncommon V 500-600
Eilender Lederhut (Outpost Rush) Can be crafted
Uncommon V 500-600
Eilender Ledermantel (Outpost Rush) Can be crafted
Uncommon V 500-600
Eilende Lederhandschuhe (Outpost Rush) Can be crafted
Uncommon V 500-600
Eilende Lederhose (Outpost Rush) Can be crafted
Uncommon V 500-600
Eilende Lederstiefel (Outpost Rush) Can be crafted
Uncommon V 500-600
Eilender Stoffhut (Outpost Rush) Can be crafted
Uncommon V 500-600
Eilender Stoffmantel (Outpost Rush) Can be crafted
Uncommon V 500-600
Eilende Stoffhandschuhe (Outpost Rush) Can be crafted
Uncommon V 500-600
Eilende Stoffhose (Outpost Rush) Can be crafted
Uncommon V 500-600
Eilende Stoffstiefel (Outpost Rush) Can be crafted
Uncommon V 500-600
Uncommon V 500-600
Uncommon V 500-600
Uncommon V 500-600
Uncommon V 500-600
Uncommon V 500-600
Schwere Brustplatte
Uncommon V 500-600
Schwere Stulpen
Uncommon V 500-600
Schwere Beinschienen
Uncommon V 500-600
Schwere Stiefel
Uncommon V 500-600
Uncommon V 500-600
Uncommon V 500-600
Uncommon V 500-600
Uncommon V 500-600
Uncommon V 500-600