Name | Gear Score | Category | Trade Skill | Skill Level | |
![]() | 725 | Artefakte-Herstellung | Arcana | 0 | |
![]() | 700 | Artefakte-Herstellung | Arcana | 0 |
You can only obtain this item once.
Item can appear randomly on the PvP Rewards Track, on the following checkpoints:
Checkpoint 3track 29
track 83
track 202
got it track 159...
its over i cant get that
So we know that Nature's Vengeance persists when you swap weapon but can you get Nature's Vengeance stacks while healing allies with Voidcaller talent from VG?
Track 59 Fresh
Track 109
track 39 on fresh, thank you ags!
Track 190
Got it - track 27
40 tracks this season and havent seen this still
Got it on the last part of track 69 2/7/2024
got it 38
Popped on track 55.
really strange thing, but some things was not obvious for me at the perk string, cause i thought its hard to get all 20 stacks, but its 20x stacks for personal use as paladin, you gain a stack even when heal yourself, for example you are cast orb of protection at your legs and will get 10 stacks for example while it heals you. cause it heals each second. so using sacred ground, beacon and orb cause it healing ofer time should easily make 20 stacks on you
It fillz it's niche...
No DPS is running it, becuase it is not for a pure DPS build.
No Healer is running it becase it is not for a pure healer....
It's a weapon for a paladin or cleric build wich is mostly a hybrid dps/healer thing..
Maybee not so commonly used in groups, but great for soloing.
I agree it has it's problems, since half the perks encurrages you to use light/heavy with this weapon, while the uniqe perk boost the other weapon but...
Teleruin no dps is running that lifestaff, this staff is just useless tbh nobody is using it no healer no dps player its just there to rot away
bro please rework this goofy thing
PVP track 73, but i started pvp cause Serenity, and every artifact shown me once except Serenity, so i should buy it to more chance serenity...
track 27 for me, didnt even want it trying to get serenity
Seems like an interesting Lifestaff for 3v3s / Smaller scale PvP and PvE.
Track 100: Let's hope it goes quick...
Track 120: Down bad... No hope in sight
Track 140: Please... AGS... It's not even good.
Track 150: I never wanna touch OPR again. Still no staff :(
Track 152: Finally got it! :)
Fresh Start:
Track 159: What a wild run this has been
I put Arboral attunement on mine insted of Blessed
My philosophy was that this is not a great staff for pure healing anyway.
It seems like you are supposed to do DPS with this one, since 3 / 4 perks boost damage oand light/heavy attacks.
So why not try to boost that...
besides, since it is the healing ticks that keeps the buff up. smaller heals might be better so people are not topped in 2 ticks...
I see tho that the buff keeps growing and are active when I switch to another weapon to. so it may bee that it would be better to just trow of ticks and use another weapons as DPS...
time will show if I chose the right perk or not...
But it is worth trying out.
People are missing the points of artifacts...
It is NOT meant to be a BIS item for the items usual usage...
If it was, it would just render the other items useless....
The artifacts are supposed to serve another role....
This staff is a DPS life staff.... and serves this role perfectly.
track 147