
Artifact Spear Tier V
Item Gear Score
70 Base Damage 9.0% Critical Hit Chance 1.30 Critical Damage Multiplier 46.0 Block Stamina Damage 46.0 Stagger Damage 25% Block Stability
229 thrust Damage

Auf dem Griff dieses tödlichen Speers sind die Worte "Komm her" eingraviert.

Bind On Pickup Tier V Scales With: DEX 90%, STR 65% 6.0 Weight 3000 Durability
Gives 3.00
when salvaged.
Weapon Set
Odo Flail
Todesstoß Rapier
Mjölnirs Funke War Hammer
Mechanikus Musket
Der Abgrund Great Axe
Infernus Fire Staff
Rache Life Staff
Tiefkühlung Ice Gauntlet
Todbringer Void Gauntlet
Gladiator Round Shield
Michael Kite Shield
Die Mauer Tower Shield
Pest Blunderbuss
Ruhe Greatsword
One Time Drop

You can only obtain this item once.

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Sting is one of the best and funniest weapon in this sad game and still somebody crying because a few times he get pulled... if you cant kill 1v1 with Sting just work on your skills lol


pvp perspective of some people: "oh let me wait in front of some fort and pull people down with my sting" because this 🤬ty weapon is useless without pulling, you can't kill your opponent 1v1 with it. All they can do is wait for someone to climb that fort's stairs. Classic AGS, gives 1 purpose weapon and no countermeasures for light weight. You can use unmoved yet it was bugged when i last checked and it's heavy, so you must switch to medium armor if you counter this 🤬ty thing. Classic ags.... classic....


I used Plagued Strikes (Draught of Blessed Water) as the mod for this weapon.

Weapon skills: Javelin, Sweep, and Skewer; Ultimate: Exploited Weakness.


Was dreading farming this but I got it to drop on my first attempt. Just 2 luck bags and 3 major luck trophies, accidentally had PVP on too. Good luck!


@blasphetus Please read what you just wrote, If you wont use javelin on this spear, please reconsider playing another weapon.

blasphetus [Edited]

I'm currently running Skewer, Perforate, and Sweep.. Which should I swap out for Javelin? Or should I just run what I have and ignore Javelin perk?

Uhtred Uhtredson

HolyGreegree idk about rogue, but I put pen backstab on mine


Got it today. 53 kills. God bless crab.


can u select Rogue as perk? cuz in my case i can't :/


It spawned twice for me aswell! after 20mins or so! Dont believe the nay sayers men!


Got crazy lucky. I thought scorpio was a new chest run and I happen to be there the moment it spawned and it dropped it for me.

jeanONstreamTV Rare [Edited]

This Artifact drops from Scorpio Supernal. An elite scorpion enemie located in Ordeal of the Scorpion.
Since this enemie only spwans during the night it basicly has a 90 minutes respwan timer.

To unlock all the missing perks complete Artifact: Scorpion's Sting.

To efficiently farm Scorpio Supernal in New World, follow these steps:
1. Day and Night Cycle: A day in New World lasts 60 minutes, while night lasts 30 minutes.
2. Determine Night Start: Sit in the cave and wait for the blue event quest notification in the top right corner, signaling the start of night.
3. Set a Timer: Once night begins, start a 1 hour 25 minute timer on your phone.
4. Plan Your Time: When the timer goes off, you'll have 5 minutes to return to the cave before Scorpio Supernal spawns. This way, you can farm efficiently without missing a spawn while doing other activities for the next 1h 25min.

G M [Edited]

stupid farm stupid boss stupid respawn rate

edit: dropped after 6 hours of sitting in that cave


I've witnessed it spawn 3 times on two occasions. If you're waiting the 25 minutes for the possible 2nd spawn, you might as well wait till day.

Solsenu [Edited]

90 Minute spawn rate with a chance for it to spawn agan after 20min spawns at night (IN-GAME)

eXeeD [Edited]

Spawns every 90 minutes.
On Barri EU
1x spawn.

Did a few runs where it spawns 2x

No more comments ^^

Match All All conditions with red border must be met for the item to drop.
Match One Only one of these conditions must be met for the item to drop.
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