
Artifact Flail Tier V
Item Gear Score
56 Base Damage 6.0% Critical Hit Chance 1.20 Critical Damage Multiplier 39.0 Block Stamina Damage 39.0 Stagger Damage 24% Block Stability
183 strike Damage

Schwinge diesen Flegel mit unberechenbarer Inbrunst und spiegele den chaotischen Tanz der Schlacht in jedem wilden Schlag wider.

Bind On Pickup Tier V Scales With: STR 90%, FOC 65% 3.0 Weight 3000 Durability
Gives 3.00
when salvaged.
Weapon Set
Odo Flail
Todesstoß Rapier
Mjölnirs Funke War Hammer
Mechanikus Musket
Der Abgrund Great Axe
Infernus Fire Staff
Rache Life Staff
Tiefkühlung Ice Gauntlet
Todbringer Void Gauntlet
Gladiator Round Shield
Michael Kite Shield
Die Mauer Tower Shield
Pest Blunderbuss
Ruhe Greatsword
One Time Drop

You can only obtain this item once.

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Андрей Смирнов

odo defence working on both weapons too

Benny Blast Uncommon

Odo's Punishment should be 5% more damage to foes per stack of Impairment. Odo's Defense should be on block heal for 5% base health per stack of Impairment.

Allyson Waine da Silva

Should I put a Gem Socket on it and place a Cornaline to be a tank or should I just go for another perk?


one artifact i can confidently say should go back to the drawing board. maybe change odos punishment to 10-15% dmg while under the effects of fortify? It sounds like alot but finisher just adds 15%dmg to both weapons

Tomerant Grasth

Easy to farm... always ppl around... after 10 kills I got mine

caesarfpolis [Edited]

Uma arma bem criada, os efeitos especiais e visuais são bem legais. No entanto, acho que está desproporcional, pois parece que está mais indicada para tank, pelas provocações, roubo de vida e refrescante, mas no final não serve muito. Deveria ter uma opção de atributos que foque para DPS. Pois gosto do visual, mas não é prática. Isso é uma coisa que não acho legal no NW que era a ideia do começo, de você escolher as armas pelo gosto de jogo. Mas na prática se vc quer um determidado perfil, tem que usar determinada arma mesmo que não goste dela. Espero que mude.


As a DPS item there are better Artifacts out there.
However if you like to tank (like me) and you like using the flail (over the hammer, the hammer artifact is also trash for tanking imo) then this is an excellent artifact as the sword artifact is a dps sword and doesnt benefit tank much. You could also go for The shield artifacts however The Wall is stuck behind The Ennead Mutations as well as prevent dodging (which is useful in some boss encounters) and Michael has okayish perks.
The Flail is a great Tank Artifact weapon as you get Lifesteal and Health on block (more than Michael) and you get CDR to keep your Taunt Abilities up near permanently. If you want a weapon artifact and play tank I def recommend this flail.



One of the weaker and low impact artifacts. The first unique effect is to provide bonus damage on a single attack made after a target is stunned (as damage removes the stun). The flail itself has no stun. While it applies to the offhand there are two other strength weapons with stun (sword/warhammer) on 25/20 second cooldown, making it an extremely situational and low up time perk with a damage buff equivalent to trenchant strikes, which applies on every heavy attack on weapons that don’t benefit from specced focus. The second unique ability heals 400 hp on a block every 5 seconds. This is comparable to a single perk of shirking heals which heals 250+1.5% hp every 5 seconds on a dodge. For a person with 150 con approx 17k hp this will heal 250+255 (505 total) so a single piece of shirking heals will heal more than blocking with Odo in most cases.

The remaining perks of lifestealing and refreshing move provide a minor amount of sustain (approx 100hp per hit) and faster up time on the abilities. However given the low base damage of the flail it is not worth using as the primary weapon for either dps or healing and so refreshing move is wasted most of the time.

Simply not worth using over other artifacts or even a generic flail as lifestealing replaces more useful “proc” abilities such as plagued crits, keen speed, keenly jagged.

jeanONstreamTV Rare

This Artifact drops from Vanash. A Lion enemie located in Tribunal Highmound.
The respwan time is around 6 minutes.

To unlock all the missing perks complete Artifact: Odo.


I got mine after ~2 hours of farming. Well worth the time!


@.redfusion, he is at the top of the structure where the big light structure thing is. By the help the ranger quest chest? He spawns to the left as you are entering the area, but doesn't spawn as often as other mobs so he's easy to miss. Just hang out there and you'll get him.


Does anyone know where to find the guardian of the Saircor's Light?
been here for hours looking..

Xyo Admin

@Kraken you can add a socket using Gem Setting Pins when you upgrade it.


Anyone know why this item doesn't have a socket?


Does anyone know what to do for the first two Perks?

Xyo Admin

@Arthur Kayser level 62+ You can find info like that in the Dropped By tab.

Arthur Kayser

Have any prerequisite to drop, like, reach lvl 65?


Dropped after 1 kill :P 3x Major Luck Trophy (no food, no eq)


Took me one hour to get it. Monster spawns every 6 mins.

Martin Sterkowicz

Dropped after 15 kills. Rughly 1:30 hours.


dropped after two hours of farming


Dropped on first, i was flagged


dropped after 25 kills

No more comments ^^
Name Level Family Requirements
Content Level 62+

Match All All conditions with red border must be met for the item to drop.
Match One Only one of these conditions must be met for the item to drop.
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