We can't find any source for this item (quests reward, drop, etc). It's highly probable this item is not obtainable right now.
dropped from Bartholomew but idk i expected more dmg.
took maybe 30 kills with luck gear.
https://i.imgur.com/R4aCa9z.jpeg dropped from bartholomew @600
Got it in a full chance stuff (not opti) with jewlery too : 1h20 of farm Bartholomew ! Good luck still available !
Dropped from bartholomew after 30min as well
dropped from bartholomew after about 30 min 600 GS no watermark needed
Is it only 600 lvl drop?
Dropped twice in 3 kills from The Siren's Fist.
got it from Bartholomew after a bit over 2 hours aka over 100 kills
Dropped from bartholomew in thunder harbor (ebonscale reach) after a long time.
Got it from The Siren's Fist in Siren's Strand.
I think the Bartholomew one is bugged in either gear score or damage (GS is too high for the damage, or damage is too low for the GS). Siren's Fist one seems to have the correct damage and is on par with other 600 GS swords in the trading post. https://i.imgur.com/5qb6ia9.png