Der Töchterbrunnen

Main Story Suggested Level 20

Erkunde das Singvogelbergwerk und beseitige jegliche Verderbnis, die den Azoth-Fluss zur Quelle von Adiana zum Töchterbrunnen versperrt.

NPC - Quest Giver NPC - Turn In Rewards Prerequisites
Must complete the quest below
Sprecher der Zornigen Erdkreaturen
Completion needed for the quests below
Die Schwäche des Egos
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jeanONstreamTV Rare [Edited]

Adiana Theron sends you to Investigate Canary Mine for the cause of the blocked azoth flow.
Cut down 3 corrupted Tendrils.
Destroy 2 Clotting Carapaces.
(Inside the Cave.)
Burst 10 Incubating Corruption Nodules.
(Step on them.)

Pick up the side quest Canary in the Corrupted Mine from Tekla Petrowski.
Scout South Vantage Point.
Scount Opneing of Cave.
Scrout North Vantage Point.
Defeat 10 Corrupted.

Turn in the side quest Canary in the Corrupted Mine at Tekla Petrowski.
Than talk to Adiana Theron.

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