Yonas Alazar sagt, um Seelenwächter zu werden, benötigst du einen Lebenden Samen der Zornigen Erdkreaturen. Yonas erinnert sich an eine Frau in der Wildnis, so wenig fassbar wie ein Schatten, die dir bei der Beschaffung behilflich sein könnte, wenn du sie denn aufspüren kannst.
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Return to Oxboro/Everfall and ask Huntsman Lee about the huntress. Use your recall to inn.
Turn in your side quest Fine Furs For Fine Folk at Odnell Lee aswel.
He will send you to Artificer Petrowski, right next to the Forge in Oxboro.
She will send you further to Grace O'Malley. She is waiting in the pub of Oxboro.
Grace will send us to Franc Dubois.
He will send you to seek out the huntress to the north.
On your way there, pick up the side quest Miner's Keepers.
Go there and mine the claim. The Quest will auto-complete.
Get the Fast Travel Shadowmine Shrine.
Talk to Adiana Theron in the Daughterwell.