dropped from rootbound 598
Dropped in pool from explosive mobs
Dropped 594 from Pride of the Trees (ring GS at 601 when dropped)
dropped 599 from Viridulon
Got this at 587 from bear at eternal pools
Dropped one at 550
the highest its dropped for me is 520 GS after getting my ring watermark up. took maybe 20-30 ring drops to get this high as watermarking jewelery is PAINFULLY slow for some reason. but ive seen it get dropped around 540 GS.
Also dropped from "Viridulon the Rootbound"
Has anybody been able to get this to drop higher than 510gs?
Got this from Viridulon the Rootbound in the Eternal Pool after about 5 kills. It was only 500gs though.
But they are only lvl 65 not 66. Or are they the tendrils up top?
Got mine from the lvl 66 Tendril
This is dropped by the Angry earth elite area next to Lazarus, on the way to the Eternal Pool. It can drop by the Bear lv66, by the Tendril lv 66 or by the dogs even. Confirmed, no theories
Any idea where it drops?
Any one getting bugged named items not dropping at 590?, also i only get the epic drop