Name Level Family Zones Requirements Kleiner Himmels-Khepri 62 Ancient The Ennead Mutation Lv. 3 1-65 Anubisches Skarabäus-Konstrukt 62 Ancient The Ennead Mutation Lv. 3 1-65 Anubiswächter-Bogenschütze 62 Ancient The Ennead Mutation Lv. 3 1-65 Horon 62 Ancient The Ennead Mutation Lv. 3 1-65 Anpu 62 Ancient The Ennead Mutation Lv. 3 1-65 Anubischer Automaton 62 Ancient The Ennead Mutation Lv. 3 1-65 Sah 62 Ancient The Ennead Mutation Lv. 3 1-65 Heru 62 Ancient The Ennead Mutation Lv. 3 1-65 Horus-Automaton 62 Ancient The Ennead Mutation Lv. 3 1-65 Shai 62 Ancient The Ennead Mutation Lv. 3 1-65
totally too hard to get,also devs are Just too noob to set all weapon as m3 drops ,also the new mutation material cant even craft this,ffs