Bergbauspitzhacke (Orichalcum)

Uncommon Tool Tier V
Item Gear Score
Selected Gear Score
100 225 350 475 600 725
850% Gather Speed
Random Perk
Random Perk
Random Perk
Random Perk
Random Perk

Zweihändig zu führen. Eine Bergbauhacke aus Orichalcum. Wird zum Abbauen von Felsbrocken und Erzadern eingesetzt.

Bind On Equip Tier V 4.5 Weight 1500 Durability Crafted at Werkstatt Rang 2
Can be crafted Can be crafted
Gives 6
Repair Parts
when salvaged.
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This thing cant be upgraded to 600 and 625 using Umbral shards D;

Smoochy [Edited]

No there are at least 6 perks for every gathering tool and there are different types for e.g. "Starmetals Botanists Charm" grants luck and the "Orichalcum Botanists Charm" grants more yield on your harvesting sickle. But the thing is there are more mods that improve your gathering tools but those are for weapons or armor (i found a "Verbena Flower" which is not a Charm and still grants bonus luck on harvesting). Well it seems the figures for the boni are off on the database, since i see different boni ingame as of now. (22nd October 2021). The thing is with all the different modifiers and qualities for any weapon, armor, bags etc. it gets pretty messy quickly (my bags are stuffed with modifiers i can't use yet). Another issue if you want a certain modifier for smth to craft you can buy them on the Market but since every town has it's own market (markets are not connected from how i perceive it) you basically would have to go to EVERY TOWN to check for the modifier.


Is there really just 3 perks, even with craftmod? I thought we have +1 perk every tier of instrument

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