From the second death drop me Borrowed Blade . I'm lucky ?
Killed him for an hour at gear score 600 with luck trophy's and gear and he dropped nothing of any value. White and green junk.
He has 2 mages beside him plus cold aura. An absolute pain to deal with. As level 60 I wasn't able to solo it, the 2 mages will CC you to death.
Like Sombrero here said, Legarath is at the very top.. and the top is VERY VERY far.. there's amazingly much stairs to climb so get ready for it. On the bright side.. once you're done, you can just jump pretty much all the way down.. if you choose so :)
Legarath is at the very top of the temple, you can run past all the mobs and just reset by standing on one of the boxes near him. He has a cold aura as well.
Got borrowed blade on second kill. Full luck