So yett agein a mega grind to get the the Weaver shirt, after 3 days off killing iam now at a count of 133 kills and still no loot.
That meens a avrage of 33 kills a day but the Iron and the rocks around have now lett me get it from TP insted heheh.
Weavers shirt is clamp max, meaning luck is not very effective at increasing it's drop rate. Base 5%, max luck brings it up to something like 5.3%.
11/14/2024 went for Grimclaw lvl 35 bear , luck gear 37.4% with pvp on for extra luck and Legendary Luck trophy , item droped on first try. 4-5 min spawn rate.
First try with 29% lucky.
Killed the lvl 40 Broadpaw bear 9 times for the [Weaver's Shirt] to drop. Full luck gear with trophies.
6 minutes Spawn time confirmed.
Verified by: MidKnight-GG [Maramma] 25 June 2024
2-2-2024, got it from Broadpaw first try (pvp open, some luck on gear and bags)
I was farming Weaver's Shirt. Got it after second kill. Spawn time was around 6 minutes. Note: I had luck gear on my body (10%).
Farming mob Broadpaw for Weaver's Shirt
6min Respawn Timer
33 kills - Miner Shirt dropped
56 kills - Lumberjack Shirt dropped
119 kills - Miner Shirt dropped again
136 kills - Weaver's Shirt dropped.
(Took me 3 days)
0% Luck Gear
2023-Sep-27: 6min respawn, dropped Ironbark blaster on 26 try
24-SEP-2023: 6min spawn; dropped Weaver's shirt on 3rd
Nature's Justice
Sonic Sword
Ironbark Blaster
Farmed for like 45 minutes.
June 15, 2023
june 03-2023 6min respawn
26/04/2023 Warhammer of the Sacred Woods Confirmed
Drop confirmed. Today in 2hs drop musket, hammer e shirt.
Found the Sonic Sword on 1st kill and Ironbark Blaster on 2nd. Full luck + pvp on
he respawn every 6 min
6 min timer. Only seen the Musket and Hammer drop. about 40 to 50 kills in.
about 60 kills. absolutely nothing.
Spawn 6-7 min.
Farmed Broadpaw 20-30 times, got the 590 musket, 590 war hammer, weaver's shirt, and the 435 epic hammer.
About 75 kills. 6 hammers. 4 muskets. No GS yet.
1 kill got musket with voidbent set and pristine pearl gem
230 kills, no musket.
Can confirm Musket drop
hunt 173 Broadpaw Ironbark Blaster drop /// very sad
Got Weaver shirt on 4th try with Broadpaw - Had full luck armor, no luck trophy