Das Ritual

Main Story Suggested Level 25

Führe tief im Amrhein-Tempel das Ritual durch, besiege den Tod und werde zum vollwertigen Seelenwächter.

NPC - Quest Giver NPC - Turn In Rewards
7,000 XP 82.50 Coin 100 Azoth
Must complete the quest below
Ausgegrabenes Schicksal
Completion needed for the quests below
Dunkelheit in Lichtholz
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jeanONstreamTV Rare [Edited]

Yonas Alazar sends us to seek out the ritual side within Amrine Temple.

Go up the stairs on the north side of the building.
On top will wait a named enemie,
Kar-El the Gate Keeper (kill not requiered).
Behind him you see the Soulwarden Seal, pass through it.

Inside the game wants us to defeat the Heartforge Guardian.
It will be imune to your damange until you ignited the four heartgem flames around him.
As soon as his HP hit 0, he will give up and tells you to complete the ritual.

After you are done, jump down and head back to Yonas Alazar.


At this time on the PTR, this quest requires defeating the Heartforge Guardian. It sits at the top of Noblereach inside a portal, and not in the expedition as the quest text suggests. - https://ptr.nwdb.info/db/creature/ancientguardian_mage_msq_named_02_encounter_boss

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