Bauplan: Goldene Aufbewahrungstruhe aus Stahl

Uncommon Furniture

Ein Bauplan, anhand dessen du ein Möbelstück herstellen kannst. Erlerne den Plan für die Herstellung.

0.3 Weight Max Stack: 10000 Ingredient Type: Einrichtungsbauplan
Crafting material Used as crafting material
Gives 1
Repair Parts
when salvaged.
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5600 hours and I have still never had one of these drop


Sold on Nysa for 75k + 20 Armor Matrix

Paweł Sroka

Nysa sold for 115k

Flyy Project

@Wildgamingz sold 150k


If on Lilith you need this crafted look for @Solar Yaxche, from the MooMillionites, they craft it if you bring them the mats at no charge.


@Flyy Project you still have this?

Flyy Project

wts lilith 200k

Mert Yıldırım [Edited]

got it today furnishing tier 3 chest .

yuCheng [Edited]

just now dropped in m10 genesis, confirmed can drop in mutation

Ding Dong

Does it drop from mutation?


just got 1 from dynasty expedition chest. with only 2 gear luck and 3 bag of luck & 3 minor loot luck


i can confirm too, one guy from my guild got it yesterday in a elite run, we did great cleave, mountain and reekwater, he doesn´t know where but he got it


I can confirm, my friend droped one right now on final boss on genesis

Grimmblut [Edited]

This item can now drop from aptitude furniture chests. The drop rate is around 0.165%. Source:

Xyo Admin

@Ntanis yep. There’s actually more of them (supply stockpiles with elite chest loot table), though, these are overrides on the spawn data. This specific one here isn’t actually used from what I can tell.

Been asking around if people have seen chests named “supply stockpiles” in expeditions but nobody seems to remember them haha.

Ntanis [Edited]

@Xyo you are probably right. The variant ID of the supply stockpile is "DG_Reekwater_Chest". DG most likely stands for dungeon and it is most likely The Lazarus Instrumentality expedition. This is supported by the fact that monster NPCs that are inside the same expedition are named similarly (e.g. skeleton_archer_named_dg_reekwater_00; "Tolos" creature inside the expedition).

Xyo Admin

@Thokk correct. That specific supply stockpile is in fact an elite chest with a wrong (or well, could be on purpose) name. I’ve tried finding some precise spawn data on it, but no luck so far. It seems to be inside expeditions, but I couldn’t get much info on it from actual gameplay, so I’ve marked it as “probably not available” for now.


So to clarify: does that mean this schematic cannot be found in Supply Stockpiles, and can only be found in Elite chests, giving us 1 chance every 24 hours per 50+ Elite chest?

Amazing User

man thats brutal

Fluff [Edited]

@Amazing User

LootBucket/LootTable Jargon

Schematic_House_HousingItem_Storage_T4_ChestSteel appears in LootBucket75 with the Tag MinContLevel:50 under DATA21. In the LootBucket's header we can find that LootBucket75 indexes as ContainerFurnitureElite.

In the LootTable list, ContainerFurnitureElite only has 1 hit in ChestLootEliteFurnitureRoll which is a "LuckSafe": "TRUE" table. [LBID]ContainerFurnitureElite maps to 99950 in ChestLootEliteFurnitureRoll_Probs.

ChestLootEliteFurnitureRoll is Item1 on the ChestLootEliteItemBonusRoll table which is "LuckSafe": "TRUE". It maps to a roll of 85000, with Item2 at 95000 in the "OR" table.

ChestLootEliteItemBonusRoll is found on ChestLootEliteItemRoll which is an "AND" table which is "LuckSafe" and it maps to a roll of "0" so it is always rolled. This is also the case with ChestLootElite where ChestLootEliteItemRoll is found.

So what does this mean?

The nested tables that the Schematic: Orichalcum-Braced Storage Chest item are on are all "LuckSafe": "TRUE" and ignoring luck. This item is only found on the ChestLootElite table, where if you roll greater than 0 out of 100000 you progress to ChestLootEliteItemRoll, where if you roll greater than 0 out of 100000 you progress to the ChestLootEliteItemBonusRoll, where if you roll between 85000 and 94999 out of 100000 you progress to ChestLootEliteFurnitureRoll where if you roll greater than 99950 out of 100000 you hit the ContainerFurnitureElite LootBucket which has 22 items in it, which you have an even chance to get. 11 of these are restricted to Ebonscale Reach via tags in the LootBucket entry, so it has 22 in Ebonscale and 11 outside. 1 of these is Schematic_House_HousingItem_Storage_T4_ChestSteel, which you may notice is the link to this page

Thus, the chance of getting this is:
100% x 100% x 9.999% x 0.05% x 9.09% outside Ebonscale (0.000454%)
100% x 100% x 9.999% x 0.05% x 4.55% in Ebonscale (0.000227%)
0.0049995% before rolling for which item in the LootBucket you get

I didn't make this clear enough but did briefly say "with the Tag MinContLevel:50." This means "Minimum Container Level: 50" and usually refers to the Point of Interest's display level on the map.

Amazing User [Edited]

>According the the internal game data, without any luck, the drop rate is around 0.00023%.

jesus christ.

what % is the chance to hit the loot table?

//edit// i just hit the loot table and all i got was the 🤬ing torch. please kill me. i don't want to suffer anymore

Xyo Admin

@Loaf the article on this is up, should show up on this page if you refresh, or in the guides section.

Xyo Admin

@Loaf that's precisely the schematic I was talking about, Scroll Case. Feel free to join our Discord (linked on homepage/footer) if you want, we were just talking about the drop rate.


@Xyo Thanks for the quick reply and clarification! I'm curious if that other schematic in the same pool is the Scroll Case or something else? Either way, I'm looking forward to that article whenever it arrives! I'm just trying to make sure I at least have a chance, albeit however small, of getting this item in the zones I'm farming.

Xyo Admin

@Loaf the loot pool that contains this schematic contain 1 more schematic and 20 house items. All the data comes straight from the game. I’ll have an article on this later today probably but long story short, it’s a very rare item (or well, loot pool).

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Match All All conditions with red border must be met for the item to drop.
Match One Only one of these conditions must be met for the item to drop.
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