Zeitvertreib des alten Einsiedlers

Epic • Named Tool Tier III
Item Gear Score
75.0% Higher Fish Rarity Chance 16m Max Cast Distance 33.5 Tension Recovered Per Second

Ein verwitterter Gefährte, der einst vergangenes Leid unterdrückte, als die Hoffnung noch bei den Fischen ruhte.

Bind On Pickup Named Item Tier III 4.5 Weight 2400 Durability Requirement: Level 25
Quest reward Quest reward
Gives 0.50
and 12
Repair Parts
when salvaged.
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is bug dont get de soul mote, i do the story line to get and its bug:c

The Tiny Dragon

As of June 18 2023 - after going through the entire storyline again, to get this - can confirm that this is still bugged and does not provide sole motes.

James Copeland

working for me as far as casting however over 100 casts and not a single soul mote collected so I think it is bugged.

Chad, The Ironman

@ApolloRhodes - There has been a ticket submitted related not being able to cast it, seen here:


Chad, The Ironman

Note: the pole is currently not rewarded for completing the quest - please reference to this forum post, and maybe save completion of it until it is resolved:


The Tiny Dragon

Just got this last night: currently whenever I go up to water and cast it gives the "cast missed water" message... so bugged AF

No more comments ^^

Match All All conditions with red border must be met for the item to drop.
Match One Only one of these conditions must be met for the item to drop.
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