Versteinertes Herz

Uncommon Resource Tier II

Ein steinernes Herz, dessen Fleisch vom Zauber von Medusas Blick erlöst wurde.

Tier II 0.1 Weight Max Stack: 10000
Crafting material Used as crafting material
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Pure Soul [Edited]

"This drop has to be fixed, otherwise it's waste of time and effort." - you crazy, playing MMORPG and whine about waste time... go make children and make money for children... clown, what is wrong with you?

Hunter [Edited]

Depending on the route, you can obtain 20-40 an hour (most I've obtained in an hour was 41), also not affected by mining luck for some reason?
make sure to use the yield song/proficiency booster/full 700 mining gear & pickaxe for maximum yield potential

Fabio Salate

This drop has to be fixed, otherwise it's waste of time and effort.


3 minning trophies and gear,2500 food,luck's labor and flagged 1 hr get 11


waste of time


Farmed for 2 hours full mining luck, trophies and PvP flagged. Got 2 pieces and lots of fragments that are useless as you can't craft the hearth out of those.


These confuse me. How do I go from getting 2-3 per statue for the first 20 min. Then zero to drop for the next 2 hours. (Full Mining Luck)


5 petrified hearts for one petrified charm. 20 petrification charms to make the spore jelly jug. Petrified hearts so rare they sell for $1400 on my server. All to get a potion gives you the chance to maybe get some weapons and armour with perks that vary from okay to bad. Like Spinning Wheel, an earring that drops with Duplicating Toast. Do you think that making people spend a month grinding every day for the resources needed to get an earring with guaranteed Duplicating Toast is a great gameplay loop? If so apply to work as a designer at AGS today.


I farmed these for about 2 hrs straight, with 600 mining gear+trophys and food and got 22 out of it. Absolutely not worth it. I got 600 petrified fragments.


genuinely curious how were supposed to farm 500+ of these for the purple and yellow spore containers... got 0 in 2 laps around medusas area with full mining luck on hitting the bear statues

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