Name | Gear Score | Category | Trade Skill | Skill Level | |
![]() | 725 | Artefakte-Herstellung | Weaponsmithing | 0 | |
![]() | 700 | Artefakte-Herstellung | Weaponsmithing | 0 |
You can only obtain this item once.
Item can appear randomly on the PvP Rewards Track, on the following checkpoints:
Checkpoint 3This item can be acquired by completing Season Passes.
Post Season 7 fixing speed buff... It is buffed by winged boots and by alacrity
Base 6s
+Alacrity 8s
+Winged 9s
+Alacrity+Winged 11s
The duration refreshes when you refresh Onslaught
Кто пишет, что мусор играют на пососном фаерстафе однокнопочным, артефакт в связке с сапожками хорош, если правильно всё собрать будешь летать по карте как сумашдший и никто тебя даже в хеви не догонит
20% move speed and 20% haste seems to be 2 different things. Tried this sword last night and people without the sword were running as fast as me when I had the "move speed" buff active.
Great artifact for transmog
Not useful
Can't get Trenchant Strikes. Trash
This Artifact appears on your Season Pass Reward Track, during Season 6.
It is the reward number 80. It is free for everyone, so no premium is needed.
After Season 6 has ended, it will drop from an enemie somewhere in Aeternum.
To unlock the missing perks, complete Artifact: Grace.
Stupid question here mind you ...would this greatsword perks stack with that winged leather shoes artifact in terms of speed/haste?
Because if I recall correctly people in the comments for that armor piece artifact stated that the boost only works with certain perks and Id like to think since this is a newer item that it would have been designed with that other artifacts perk in mind
i want +20% after fire staff ability to be able to run out from all that ravenous players at outpost rush that want to take my mats
Made an account to write this. This is going to be the most meta abused weapon in pvp by FAR. 20% haste on critical hit plus 20% move speed on-demand is so busted its not even funny. So much for build diversity, majority of players will use this in opr because they'd rather win than have fun making unique builds
speedrun GS meta here we goo
best GS skin byfar
new escape weap :D
we zoomin
Get from PVP track now, best of luck