Looks like the sources are missing enemies, I got mine from one of the 3 mammoths after Montrapala the Unruled was dead (Finisher mammoth) in the Isle of Zurvan (got it on my alt account from there too).. Also looks like way higher drop chance from there since I spent 8 hours in Tribunal Highmound and got nothing, then I spent about 2 hours at the Zurvan mammoths and got 2 of them.
Edit: Pugnacious Purutu and the smaller gorillas in Zurvan also seem to drop it. We were farming the amulet for my friend and he got 2 of them b2b from the gorillas.
Farmed for 1h every day. 6 days. Couple days farmed close to 2h maybe..
No luck trophy and such (only +2.8% Luck in 3 satchels)
I wanted to check previous comment, so I killed gorilla Kreeko A LOT:
so Kreeko gave me 2 Sporelight-gear-set items (not amulet) TOPS. for 6 days!!
All other named animals gave more.
Had 7 Sporelight Rings and 6 Sporelight Earrings whilst farming Amulet. xD
In the end..
Torug (flame Gorilla) gave me Amulet atlast. !!
Confirm it does drop. Farmed highlands for 2 days with no boon not even pvp enabled. Got mine from Kreeko
Can confirm it does drop. You can farm it in Trib named monsters. Hard to solo if not maxed out GS. Use blooddrinker if you are solo farming.
Can confirm it does drop
Can anyone confirm if this drops in Aeternum? Been farming for days... have every other sporelight item except this amulet...
they are in the sources