dropped it from Rafflebones while farming Red Claw for the Bloodsucker greatsword in Ebonscale Reach
it was dropping from laz the first day when mutation were added, then they patched it and now it can drop literally everywhere. i got it from ebonscale stockpile although 500gs since it was lower level area :) it can also drop from rafflebones. But honestly idk why people want it so much, its not even that good
I can confirm it exist, i dropped from those random spawn mob just they day after they add it.
> Can anyone confirm if they got it from somewhere?
this gauntlet is sometimes sold in a chat or in a trading post. But this is too random drop. It is impossible to get it except by accident. The chance is too small. Just forget about it.
it is much easier to craft such gauntlet.
Does anyone know where can i get this...without spending years of farming those named mobs? I did farmed couple of them for days and i got nothing. I guess this Dark Vengeance is just a myth as drop from those named...
Can anyone confirm if they got it from somewhere?
Dropped from Khepri chest today