4 min respawn
Can confirm he is level 64 now, and drops 590 life staff.
I can confirm the Life staff does drop. I obtained a 591 GS version of it today on the Maramma server.
Its someone who drop any named item?
Упал сразу https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1480309057
dropped the lifestaff 595, idk about the comments in the past, hes actually a level 64 mob now
@Hopper2011 from when is your information?
This named monster is improperly marked here in the NWDB. Guardian of the Light is a non-elite angry earth shaman found in the northern water pool of Hingatirn in SE Reekwater. Guardian of the Light is a level 62 monster, which means it cannot drop items gear score 600.
can confirm, found him in the circular water area of Hingatirn, in SE Reekwater a little north of the Climb. Also is lv62. Haven't been here long enough to confirm the staff drop
I tried all afternoon and nothing at all, I looted potions or modifiers
I have the impression that all the lifestaff that we can loot on the mobs (except in the dungeons) are broken.... either there is no loot or the GS does not correspond to your watermark
Has anyone dropped the Greatstaff of the Light's Judgement? Would be nice to know if it's even possible.
I did find a Guardian of the light mob in reekwater but he is only lvl 62 tho? or is there another one?
4m respawn time
He is located in Hingatirn, Reekwater. East side of the map.
Where is the guardian of the light I can't find him ?
45 sec respawn now