respawn 4 min
Spawning and dropping. Respawntimer 6 min. Sometimes buggy -> he spawns every few sec but only drops every 6 mins
nah, it still spawns there on the road instead of in the building with the 2 ancient chests. more people there, faster respawn.
Appears to be missing since aternum update
3 minute respawn
5 times kill and drop x2 pants
full luck set/3 major troph/rabbit s luck food.
weak earring
holy 🤬 that drop table......
6 kills and Dropped Jewelry Pants
Full Luck
i went through all his possible drops and im lost bcz i got a jewl crafting epic hat from him and i didnt see it as an option in possible drops
Extremely easy solo farm. 3min respawn. Dropped Jewelry pants the first time with just some basic loot gear. No trophies, not flagged.
Vine recien, me cayo el pantalon de joyero a la primera y a la segunda. Excelente servicio
Ah alguien le cayo el pantalon de joyero? 2hs y aun nada farmeandolo entre 5 full suerte
dropped in the second kill, with around 40% luck
3 Minute Respawn
Can confirm that the starbound charm drops at 590 gs. 2 kills and it dropped full luck gear with trophies
After 2h camping got energy drain and 2x scaling powder. 8% luck to drops.
2 min resp dog🤬 drops with full luck set
2 minute respawn
No legendary still
590gs+ items can only drop off of level 64+ mobs. I used to farm this guy for watermark bumps he won't drop over like 545gs
I wonder where the author of this site gets information about the drop list from mobs? If there is no official information from the developers?
I beat this mob for more than 20 hours, but I never got the legendary earring written in the drop list from it. My friends also farmed it and also to no avail.
Maybe I'm just unlucky, but since the winter patch about 90% of the gear drops are below my current WM for that slot (all item qualities), if and when anything does drop off this guy.
Yes, im also pretty sure they reduced the drop rate.
5 min spawn now