@da fuq he does, just got one 2024/12/18
can he still drop woodworker shirt ? nonono luck .sadge
got pants in 13 kills, luck on most equipment
In NW:A about a 90 second respawn. Got the Engineer Pants in about 10 kills.
after around 10 kills engineer pants dropped for me :)
I've been farming this guy for 2 days and he just wont drop the woodworkers shirt.....got all the progenitor weapons, bunch of legendaries and other named stuff but no woodworkers.....must have gotten the "dark days" legendary atleast 5 times so far.....cowl a few times.....frankly ags needs to stop making basic crafting gear like this such a PITFA to acquire......
Farmed for days, the one not dropped is the Cowl of the Augur
i killed this mob about 50 times. 1 drop of woodworkers shirt. none of engineer pants. i wonder if this still dropable.
so easy alone farm just watch series and every 5-10 min in kill mob and keep going watch series. easy farm easy money.
This mob does drop the woodworkers shirt, got it on 4th kill alone
Actually this mob does not drop Woodworker's Shirt. I was farming him 3 real days, and got 0
My friend get the Ogre Hunter from the 2nd try :)), me crap ofc.
can confirm that the Noblewoman's Ogre Hunter drops from Overseer Levy. took 3 days of almost constant 12 hour farming to get to drop. Also overseer's regret, both purple shields, woodworkers shirt, and engineering pants all dropped.
It is easy to farm alone, especially with ranged weapons. In close combat with a spear was very convenient. The main thing is to dodge strong shield attacks and shots. Engineer Pants on 4th try. Легко фармить в одиночку, особенно с оружием дальнего боя. В ближнем бою с копьем было очень удобно. Главное уворачиваться от сильных атак щитом и выстрелов. Штаны инженера с 4-й попытки
Gotten every single drop, some twice except for woodworker shirt and engineer pants. Probably 8-10 hours in of farming since FS on this character.
Other toon was way more lucky, but could of been changed in patches.
Easy to solo, 4x4 of stone block you can use to reset mobs by jumping on or going prone in between.
About 8 min spawn time
Musket Dropped after 5th kill! :)
Been farming this boss for 3 days now (patch 1.2.1) with 35.2% luck and no legendary drops at all. I also have yet to receive a musket as a drop. Got a bunch of purple life-, fire staff and shields, or sometimes no drops at all. What am I missing?
got glass shield after 25min farming