Full luck
1 hour farm - nothing;
2 hour farm - nothing;
3 hour farm - nothing;
3.5 hour farm - heart of hepu.
I did do it :D
I got heart of dalao, focus of dalao and the hunters claw from other cat within 10 Kills. No luck!
Got Hunter's Claw 6 after kills, pvp off with luck only on bags/trophys
got the hunter's claw in rougly 30 mins, pvp off
be there over an hour, drop nothing but mods and health potion
4 min respawn timer. drops hunters claw like candy. stand behind where they spawn next to the coffin and you can agro just hepu easily with a ranged weapon.
Got both drops after about 3 hours. max luck including food and sword and shield. Alot of kills had no bag. Easy to solo in the corner