Dropped shard 1st kill then no bag at all 4 kills in a row.
While the rock works every 2 minutes, I have noticed there is an increased chance where he does not drop anything.
Normally it respawns every 6 min.
But if you are climb the rock (left corner of the area) it will respawn 2 min.
Make sure you are outside the yellow area. Check it from the map. Everyone needs to do this for faster respawn.
The regular respwan time is 6 minutes.
You can make it spwan every two minutes, with the following trick:
West of the area, you can climb on a rock which is OUTSIDE of the area. If you open the map, you can see the line which shows the beginning of the area.
To make this work, no player is aloud the be in the area.
Spawn em 6 minutos
spawns are anyway from instant to 15 minutes, bag 43% the time.
It looks like the best time to farm this guy is at level 56, you will not have nearly as many legend items on the loot table. With full luck gear you should be able to farm him way faster than at level 57+.
respawn time is so random. between 1 sec and 5 min lol
92 Ancient Mandible Shard i got before Ancient Mandible drop to me. But killed mob more then 92, cuz it bugged. He can respawn after 2 sec-1 min after u killed him and in that caze u dont get any drops :) That was 7 hours madness. What I just did not do in that area. I climbed all the stones, looted all the nearest chests a couple of times, ate all the food, which gives luck. Other players came and went, at one point a raid of about 10 people was created. I even managed to upgrade a different type of weapon a little. My luck is 41.7% + food by 5%. Got all the legendary items multiple times. Pulled up to 103 Shards. In short, I hope you have better luck. Some players just sleep in this place. Is it worth it to earn gold? I'm not sure unless you're a very stubborn person. I get different artifacts from chestruns more often, and at least there is variety. And yes, get ready that some people will not be very kind to you. You should keep your hands on the keyboard to at least hit the mob before a group of 3-5 people kill it.
Got the earring on the first kill, still going for the other drops
About 30 kills over 2 days and got 1 earring, plus 12 Ancient Mandible Shards.
200 kill 0 ancient mandible. :) rng is bad
50 kills 5 earrings
Well 61 times and got it
Unfortunately, it happens that he sometimes does not drop an item at all, but if he drops something is also a Ancient Mandible Shard
This guy dies so fast but takes forever to respawn, he's worst than Pit Lord Daehi.
218 kills for the earring to drop, 234 for the mandible to drop. Spawn timer is not consistent.
got Earing fresh server 5 kill
4 days into farming him, full luck gear and had 4 swords, 8 spears and a mandible drop. No Earring yet.
Set with 40% luck (30% gear + 10% pvp), killed him 90 times and still no earring. Sometimes he drops nothing in a row.
on freshstart so far 495 kills no earring got all the other named drops and legendary resources tried in and out of pvp atm i got full voidbent luck bags luck jewelry and luck GA 3 minor luck trophies
so far while farming him i was able to get a little over 17000 water from a little pond right outside his spawn
update at 592 kills got the earring but no mandible
Killed 3 times before dropping the Sail Hook earring, I had 4.6% luck total.
Recorded approximate spawn timers while farming:
1st: ~5 minutes.
2nd: ~10 seconds.
3rd: ~4 minutes.
4th: ~5 minutes.
5th: Less than 30 seconds.
6th: Less than 30 seconds.
7th: ~3 minutes.
Only acquired 1 earring while farming.
took 30~ minutes to get the sail hook
For now 3 bone root, 5 soulstrike, 2 shield, 2 spears, 0 earring 200+ kills.
Tried using the rock, had instances where i wouldnt get a bag for 4-5 times in a row, faster just to wait the full 6 minutes rather than try to speed up the spawns