Around 1 min respawn
11/13/2024 Item droped after 9 kills Luck gear on 37.4% with Legendary Luck trophy PVP ON for extra Luck.
Does not drop loot over 630gs.
Woodworker pants dropped after 4th kill, no single luck perk/ buff
10 kills with pvp ON and 2% luck
1 Ceremonial Hatchet
no other named drops
34 kills
0 Woodworker's Pants
1 Practiced Blows
1 Nguyen's Notched Spear
0 Requiem Pendant
3 Ceremonial Hatchet
1 kill 1 drop, just 7,5 luck :D off pvp
Farmed him for 6 hours Neck, 4 Hatchet, Woodworker's Pants. Noting else has dropped unlucky. Also his second quick respawn normally drops noting.
Updated: 2-3 days
Spear: 1
Pants: 6
Hatchets: 5
Pendants: 4
GS: ZERO. "was also told by someone they removed GS as a drop. Couldn't find any Information regarding this"
Killed about 30 times, got 2 sets of woodworkers pants. Full luck set to include all three tier 3 trophies
Dear @Ossen M,
I got the Ceremonial Hatchet randomly while I was farming the pants' items. As a healer, I didn't need it, so I salvaged it. Then yes, I got it after two kills and had about 28% luck on me. But, I still didn't get any pants' items after ten kills.
Edit: I got a second on the 12th kill. Salvaged. Meanwhile, I got my pant.
Farmed him for roughly 8 hours total, half the time flagged. Notably received 3 practice blows, 4 nguyen spears, 3 requiem, 0 ceremonial hatchets, and 6 woodworker pants, 5 plagued strikes craft mod, 5 lost ward craft mod, 9 Trenchant crit mods, 4x corrupted bane mods.
Using 9x 2.8% Luck, 2x 2.4% bags, 8 .5% pearls, 3x minor luck trophies.
I did also farm an additional 2 hours without any luck on Armor/Jewelry, and received each item besides the hatchet, 1 time each. Looking for the hatchet drop unfortunately, anyone gotten it and at what luck?
confirm random spawn 0.1 to 6 min. Random spawn usually without loot.
A simple boss, but likes to run around the arena)
3 hours of farming:
x2 Woodworker's Pants
Practiced Blows
Nguyen's Notched Spear
Requiem Pendant
Can confirm that the respawn time is 0.1 secs - 6 mins
Random Respawntimer between 5 secs - 6 min
lol i got the GS after two spawns only with around less than 20 people.
5 Min Respawn.
It exists, someone from my company just showed this, 623gs he has it.
Can confirm he drops Plagued crits and Plagued strikes crafting mod
90 second respawn timer, timed with LiveSplit.