went to check him out as I was reading this post, killed him twice and it dropped the syncretic rapier. I had no luck gear on
Anyone know what the best spot is to farm the syncretic bow?
a lot of drops and easy to kill, I have yet to get the bow which is what I am after. I have the heavy set almost complete, missing the gauntlet, but I have gotten the chest 3 times and other pieces more than once. BUT NO bow! It's just luck oh well.. (9 hours of farming)
just got the syncretic blunderbuss 10kills in. and emblem of fortitude.
Syncretic Bow ?
more klike lord of no drops
I got the crown after 3 hours of farming, no luck set or buff at all
Extremely stingy, 3h farming and nothing dropped yet besides potions.
Just for information. Axe drop confirmed
This dude very precise in what he wants to drop or not. Farming for three days and all I got are potions, and around 10 Axes en 10 Chestpieces.
Hope this nightmare ends soon.
I been farming Lord Sobek for awhile, I got 2 crowns and now 10 axes, but no chest yet, which is what I want. I have 24% Luck.
respwan 3-4 min in, i drop 8 time kill and drop headgear armor, full luck set+small luck trophy
Respawn time is 4 minutes. Sometimes the second one appears immediately, but it is always empty.
I was lucky and got 2 Royal Lagoon Chestwraps in a row in 30-40 minutes.
One of the guys at the spot said that he had been coming here for the third day. Wish you luck!
Chest dropped on first kill. 15 percent luck
dropped the chest 2 times in 3 kills, I have 3 major loot luck trophies and I was pvp flagged
Dropped the Chest in less than 1hour with turkey food
~20 hours of grinding at time of writing this, only have gotten potions to drop. Most drops also bug into the ground. Would not recommend this grind to anyone reading. None of the drops are worth it
Edit: Got the chest after another 2 or 3 hours, guessing I had this and others drop earlier, just glitched into the floor. F this guy
Got the helmet and chestplate all within a few hours. Two chestplates actually dropped within a couple kills of each other
chestplate dropped after second kill. Lucky me but its possible
crown dropped after around 10 kills
48 mins in........1 helm, 1 axe, 6 mana, 8 health pots, 1 river glyph.. and now the chest piece right after posting. -- I had voidbent luck and had shield luck, tier2 trophy because I'm cheap.
Can confirm that the helmet drops. Not sure if the chest piece or axe drops, will have to continue grinding this for a while :// will update if I get any of remaining drops. Also make sure to double check the area around the boss if u dont see any bags as they sometimes are invincible
Example of bugged bag: https://i.imgur.com/GzGjgvn.jpeg
Edit 1: Got a second helmet but still no plate or axe
Edit 2: I've given up on the chest piece... Going to bed
Edit 3: I've now woken up and done the boss 2 times and dropped the Axe. Now hoping just for the chest piece, surly it will be as easy as the axe right?
Edit 4: Boss Dropped the Helmet right after the Axe drop I got in the last edit.... THIS CANT BE REAL RIGHT???
Total drops was 3 helmets, 1 Axe, 1 Chest piece and a bunch of potions
Stupid croc - drops only helmet and axe.
Would not recommend 2/10
killed it 100+ times, no named drop. Only potions, Luck Armor.
But drops are possible, cause somebody got them.
Possible drops just 3... regen pot, mana pot, hp pot. Perfect for potion farming.
He's dropping gear at the wrong item level in contrast to his loot pool. The second kill 11/26/2023 was a syn helm at 620 with three perks.